Add font-loading CSS to SVGs with a sed script.
February 2025
Install Debian on a device with a broken NVRAM.
November 2024
You're missing that one program that isn't available in your Linux distro? With Distrobox, the 'Linux Subsystem for Linux,' you can install it anyways. This article explains how to do that with the example of installing LunarVim on Red Hat.
October 2022
Why do it complicated when a Bash one-liner does it too?
October 2022
reveal.js is a PowerPoint alternative. With it you programmatically define your presentation via HTML.
This article shows how you can use reveal.js for your own presentation.
June 2022
Gentoo is a Linux distribution that offers as many options as possible. This article leads you through the decisions I took to end up with a system that best suits my needs.
April 2022
Maki showcases how a program for interactive and programmatic animation development can be implemented.
Its programmatic approach provides the precision technical concepts require, while its interactivity and real-time updates avoid a disconnect between input and output.
February 2022